Monday, October 3, 2011

The Elvis

When I invented The Most Versatile Sponge Cake EVER! I instantly craved a PB&J. Why stop there? I thought. I could definitely do better than just an ordinary PB&J-which. The world stopped when I thought of Elvis Presley. I am positive he was in the room with me when this was born. In fact, I hurriedly looked up important dates in His life and saw that today, October 3rd, was one of His first concerts. Yes! I thought. I HAD to make this recipe TONIGHT. Not a moment to lose. The King would have it no other way! He whispered in my ear "Hey, there, lil'momma..." and I was listening.
The date of October 3rd was a big day for Elvis, for it was one of His first performances in public. He sang "Old Shep" at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Dairy show and won second prize: 5 dollars and free rides.
My blog has been operating for a few short weeks, and Elvis was only a few years old. Yes, my friends, this is nothing short of Kismet. I am sure of it!

What you'll need:

The Most Versatile Sponge Cake EVER!
Mac Daddy Butter (Elvis IS the Mac Daddy, and I daresay He would've loved my Mac Daddy Butter. Uh-huh!)
cinnamon (optional)
1 banana
Marshmallows (now normally I would suggest the La Nouba 0 carb marshmallows, but we're talkin' about Elvis here, c'mon!)
A heat source (I asked hubby for a culinary blowtorch, but he was not amused for some reason *shrug*)

Form yourself 2 big kahuna slices of TMVSCE!, about 1/2 the pan.
Slather on your Mac Daddy butter & sprinkle with cinnamon.

Slice banana.

Place marshmallows. FIRE! Sing to yourself "Lord Almighty, I feel my temperature risin' mmmm...".

Close sandwich, so that it sticks like glue, uh-huh, stuck on you.

Take a big Elvis The KING size bite. Chew, slowly. Think "Oh, baby, that's a mighty fine sammich!"

The King would be pleased. Yes, my friends, very pleased indeed. He would tell you I look like an angel, but I'm the devil in disguise so he could keep all this awesomeness to himself!

The inspiration I feel when I get in the kitchen is pretty ethereal. Elvis said it best:
"My voice is God's will, not mine."
"Talent is being able to sell what you're feeling."
Have you tried any of the PJF recipes lately and been able to feel my character behind it? One day I will invent a recipe that will result in a Ratatouille moment-- Where Anton Ego drops his fork and the world stops! Brace yourselves for that day.

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