Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Brie Burgers

This dish was inspired by two separate dishes that I love. One of them is Sarah Fragoso's dry rub burgers from her best selling cookbook Everyday Paleo, the other somewhere from Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives (I love Guy Fieri and his ca-razy hair!)

P.S. Guy, That unfamiliar Utah number that keeps showing up on your cell? It's me. I want my shirt back.

btw, have you ever wanted to stand Guy Fieri next to Anne Burrel and see if their heads cause some cataclysmic universal event? Like they might explode into fire or something if they come in contact.

Oh, it already happened

Look, Guy can barely resist the gravitational pull of his hair twin.

And then this happened:

And it's a good thing, cuz we now have enough heat to grill our PJF Brie Burgers!

What you'll need:

2 lbs ground beef (grass fed if you can afford it)
7 oz double cream brie, rind removed (French men everywhere are rolling in their graves. Remove the rind? Noooo! That's sacrilige!)
6 eggs
2T chili powder
1T paprika
1 tsp cayenne
2T carob powder (can also use cocoa powder)
ground black pepper

On a small plate, combine chili powder, paprika, cayenne, carob, and crack in black pepper. Mix well. Set aside.

In large bowl, mix ground beef and 2 eggs well.

Remove rind from brie and cut into 1/2 oz chunks

Take 4 oz of meat and form into patty (best way is to roll into meatball, then gently squash it down).

Place several chunks of brie in the center.

Grab another 4 oz of meat and place on top.

Pinch edges together to make a mega patty. Repeat until meat & cheese are gone (should make about 4 burgers).
(see what I did there?)

For sliders, grab 2 oz of meat and form into patty. Place 2 chunks of brie in the center. Grab another 2 oz of meat and place on top. Pinch edges together to make patty. Repeat until meat & cheese are gone (should make 8 sliders)

Take your patties and place them in the dry rub you prepared earlier. Coat well on both sides. Don't rub it in, just generously toss the rub on and set aside. You can always make more dry rub if you run out.

Dry rub brie sliders!

Place patties on grill and cook until brie begins to melt (about medium rare, cuz it will keep cooking a little bit once you take it off the heat). Cover you finished patties while you prepare your side dishes.
(I think this is my new favorite shot of the hubbins. Does it get any better? Butt shot, jeans, burgers. Dirty, sexy, bad boy. This is the stuff of softcore food porn fantasies!)

While patties are cooking, take remaining 4 eggs and fry them up in some bacon grease if you've got any leftover. Make the eggs easy over. Runny yolk is delish!

Don't forget to prepare your favorite burger fixins! Try my chipotle mayo for kicks.
(purple bell pepper & tomato courtesy of my 3yo who grew them. Go Grace!)

If you're clueless about buns, consider gutting a large portabello mushroom cap and cooking it gently in olive oil or bacon grease (this is my favorite bun, see picture above with eggs). Alternatively, you can go the lettuce wrap route, or use The Most Versatile Sponge Cake EVER!

Time to dish up! Get your bun of choice ready with veggies, condiments, etc, then plate your brie burgers. Top with fried egg & other bun. Unleash your inner Grok!

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