Monday, November 28, 2011

Sweet Potato Lard-bread Cookies

After my triumphant mastery of Kung Fu, I stared blankly into the remnants of my 3 cups of sweet potato flour. What could I make with this funky orange stuff? Then my eyes darted to the 4 lb block of pastured lard in my fridge. AHA! I knew immediately what I wanted to do.

What you'll need:
1/4 lb pure, fresh, pastured lard
1/4c granulated stevia, plus some for sprinkling (if you don't mind the carbs, you may use 2T honey instead, but please reduce baking temp to 325, and add 1t baking powder as well)
1/2t cardamom
1 large egg, separated
1 cup sweet potato flour
1t vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350F
Using hand mixer, whip lard and sugar together. Fold in cardamom, vanilla, egg yolk, and flour until crumbly.
Notice the succulent aroma of bacon wafting toward you. Bo-nus!

Gently roll into large cookie-like disc, and wrap in plastic. Place in fridge for 30 mins.

Roll dough on to floured surface to about 1/2 in thickness.

Time to whip out your cookie cutters and go to town! Have fun with this part. No, really, I'll wait...

If you have managed to avoid eating your scraps straight up (mmm, lard...), gather them and re-chill. Roll out again and cut away until dough is gone.
Place cookies on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush the tops of the cookies with whisked egg white and then sprinkle stevia on top.

Bake 8-10 min. Personally I like to undercook cookies a little, because they tend to finish baking AFTER you remove them from the oven (and the bottoms don't burn that way). This 10 min estimate allows for that under-doneness technique, so don't adjust. Allow to cool. Enjoy!

Mmm... just like Granny used to make!

93 cals, 7g fat, 7g carb, 1g protein

*This recipe adapted from La Cocina de Mama.

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