Wednesday, November 23, 2011

PJF White Chocolate Wonderful Chocolate Mousse Pie

When Make It Paleo was announced, I first whined at the husband for it for a while, pined, and simpered, then went behind his back to buy it since he didn't seem to be budging one way or another. (Sorry, honey, you make the money, I cooks the foods!)
When I ordered, I promptly informed Bill Staley & Haley Mason that I was going to find 1 recipe in their book and pimp it out PJF style. To which Bill responded with great verve that they would then re-pimp my pimped out pimpness. AHAHAHA! The gauntlet had been thrown down!
Bring it, brother.

When I received the book, I was overwhelmed. I felt very small and inadequate as a cook all of a sudden. I wasn't so sure I could live up to the challenge, but then... I found it. The one recipe I knew I could top. I have made it for several Thanksgivings. Bill & Haley had just turned it gluten free for me.

I will forewarn you that this is one of the worst sorta-but-not-quite-Primal cheats you'll be enjoying from me! If that got your attention, let's get on it.

What you'll need:
(Based on Make It Paleo's Chocolate pudding pie, and The PJF's original pre-Primal bad boy, 500 cal/slice White Chocolate Wonderful Chocolate Mousse Pie)

2c almond flour
1/2c cocoa powder
1/2t salt
1/2t baking soda
1/2c palm shortening
1/4c maple syrup
2T vanilla extract

3 egg yolks (reserve whites for whipping)
24 oz coconut milk (native forest or thai kitchen, people)
1/2c maple syrup
2T unflavored gelatin
1/2c cocoa powder
16T mascarpone
16T Peanut Butter & Co White Chocolate Wonderful (If you're gonna be a pansy & fuss about this, you can opt for Barney Butter combined with cacao butter, vanilla bean, and sweetener, but then it just wouldn't be the same. Not as fun, but there you have it, you mamby pamby)

1 pint heavy cream (grass fed if you can get it)
2 oz dark chocolate
6 sachets chocolate chai (you can get this from Republic of Tea or Zhena's Gypsy Tea Co)
4 sachets Republic of Tea Double Dark Chocolate Mate and 1/4 tsp chili powder

Preheat oven to 325F
In medium bowl, combine dry ingredients
In smaller bowl, combine wet ingredients (make sure to melt palm shortening before mixing it into the batter)
Combine wet ingredients with dry

Pat dough into a 9 inch glass pie dish, greased with some coconut oil (or butter). Bake for 10-15 mins, until the wafting aroma of chocolate fills the air.

Soften peanut butter, and whip together with mascarpone in large bowl. Set aside.

Separate egg yolks from whites. Place whites in glass or copper dish and refrigerate (they like glass & copper better than plastic. Bet Bill & Haley didn't tell you that, huh!)

Combine egg yolks, coconut milk, maple syrup, gelatin, and cocoa powder in sauce pan. Bring to a light boil, stirring constantly.

Set aside and allow to cool.
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until set (this can be done in the freezer in about an hour)

Whip egg whites until stiff and fluffy (a little sugar or cream of tartar will help them set up. Go super easy on the tartar though cuz it can make it taste ucka).

Gently fold egg whites into chocolate pudding. It should retain the bulk of it's fluff if done correctly (I did mine incorrectly to show you how flat it can get).

Spread peanut butter mascarpone evenly over pie crust, then layer with chocolate mousse.

Place your chai sachets into your cold cream and beat them up a little bit (if using Double Dark Chocolate Mate, add 1/4 tsp chili powder). Not enough to break the sachet, but enough to release the flavor. Allow to sit in fridge for a bit.
Meanwhile, gently melt you chocolate.
Remove tea sachets and whip cream until very nearly firm. Drizzle in chocolate and fold until evenly distributed. Spread into piping bag and swirl around pie.

Your move, guys.

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