Monday, November 21, 2011

PJF Crescent Rolls

When I was teaching myself Kung Fu, the first thing I needed to know was could my basic understanding produce an end product. To my delight, it did. I got this:

And that is what we're going to make today!

What you'll need:
PJF Kung Fu (one section)
Egg White

If your Kung Fu has been meditating in the freezer or fridge, you will want to let it return to room temperature to help it become pliable. While it's doing that, preheat your oven to 350F and throw down some tapioca flour on a clean work surface.
Also, now is a good time to line a baking sheet with some parchment paper.
When your Kung Fu is ready for action, gently roll it out as thin as you can without crimping or tearing into a large sheet.

Cut it in half.

Now cut into triangles.

Starting with the widest part of the triangle, gently roll your Kung Fu toward the tip.

Carefully bend rolled dough into crescent.

Brush crescents with your egg white. This will give it a nice golden glow and crispy outer.

Place in oven 15-20 mins. I like to undercook my baked goods a little, because they tend to finish cooking once you remove them from the oven (plus it helps the crescents stay ever so slightly chewy in the center-- and I love that).

Allow to cool so you don't burn your tongue (if you can stand waiting that long!), and enjoy while still a touch warm. Don't forget to make Paula Deen proud and serve generously with butter!

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