Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mate Chocolatte FroYo

Just when you thought I'd gone crazy with my Red Velvet Rooibos infused ice cream, I dreamed up Mate Chocolatte FroYo! That's right. As if the Red Velvet wasn't decadent enough. We're getting down right hedonistic!

What you'll need:

1.5c Fage Total Full Fat Greek Yogurt (I'm using the last of my Bulgarian Yogurt, but I definitely recommend Fage Total!)
10 Republic of Tea Double Dark Chocolate Mate sachets
1/4c xylitol or coconut palm sugar (I used Torani's Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup for sweetness and extra chocolateyness)
1c heavy cream or plain goat milk kefir (depends on how tangy you want it)

Gently warm heavy cream and allow tea sachets to steep. If you are using kefir, do a cold steep, just let the bags sit for a good 20 mins, then press them out.
(Don't worry if your Mate doesn't look like mine right now. I've already added some of the Torani syrup in this picture. Shhh...)

Combine with Fage and sugar, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Allow to cool in fridge. Again, I'm using Bulgarian yogurt here. I don't recommend it unless you want a product with enough pa-tang to put hair on your chest! Bulgarian yogurt is for bad-asses only. I didn't think there was anything that could curl my toes more than sour patch kids until I had a spoon fulla Bulgarian!

Because I'm using Bulgarian, I added a bit more chocolate syrup. I thought this picture looked cool, so I'm including it :P

Add to ice cream maker and follow manufacturer's instructions.

Voila! Easy, peasy, Mate Chocolatte FroYo.

Tuck in, dudes ;)

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