Monday, October 10, 2011

Shepherd's Pie

There's something about coming home to a hot meal that makes coming home worth it, especially on a cold autumn or winter evening. It's a time to draw close together as a family and renew the bonds you have forged. One of my favorite meals this time of year is Shepherd's Pie. I've been enjoying it since I was around my 3yo daughter's age (and, yes, I can remember that early on!), and want to share it with you. If you have never enjoyed shepherd's pie, you're missing out. If the thought of a casserole intimidates you, it is time to get your Grok on and tackle this simple dish! In my local culture (aka Mormon Utah, lol), casseroles are a staple of the dinner table. So let's do it!

What you'll need:
1 lb ground beef (grass fed if you can afford it)
1 bag frozen cauliflower
1 bag frozen peas & carrots
1 bag frozen green beans
1c sour cream
garlic powder
paprika (optional, but it makes the casserole look pretty)
2 cans tomato paste
1/2c chicken stock
*You may also wish to add other herbs and spices to make this your own unique dish. I am adding rosemary & sage to my meat.

Preheat oven 350F.
First of all, brown your ground beef. If it's not grass fed, drain off the fat by placing meat in colander and rinsing.

Return to frying pan and add peas, carrots, and green beans, with chicken stock and tomato paste. Mix well until vegetables are coated with tomato paste and cover. Allow vegetables to soften.

Meanwhile, in food processor, place cauliflower, sour cream, parmesan, and garlic powder. Pulse until well combined, and taste test. Adjust as necessary. Basically you're making my Smashed Cauliflower.

In glass casserole dish (at least 9 x 13), place your meat and veggie mix.
(See? It's so easy, even my 3yo can do it! Pardon the ice cream maker and enthusiastically flung food)

Spread smashed cauliflower on top and sprinkle with paprika.

Place in oven for 30 mins. Remove and allow to rest and cool 10 mins. Slice and serve.


1 comment:

  1. I <3 Shepherd's Pie! I do make it with mashed potatoes, but with no dairy. I'm a German Lutheran, so casseroles ("hotdish" ) are a big part of my culture too. Sadly my Cali grown hubby has bad memories at his mom's attempts at casseroles, so I have to make it with no peas :(
