Sunday, October 2, 2011

Primal French Toast

A short time ago I boldly proclaimed to the Primal/Paleo community "I have invented Primal French Toast!"
This was a shocking statement to those who have dumped gluten in favor of health. Their responses were outcries of rage (I say this with tongue in cheek, haha). I had no recipe to show for it, so I had no proof.

Direct quotes from Mark's Daily Apple Forum:
"No recipe, never happened. Stop lying!"
"Agreed!!! Your an evil Doctor!"
"No proof, no French Toast."
"Cruel... just Cruel"

So without further adieu, I give to you my magnificent invention: PRIMAL FRENCH TOAST!

What you'll need:

The Most Versatile Sponge Cake EVER!
An egg
Some heavy cream

Cut yourself a couple slices of The Most Versatile Sponge Cake EVER!

In a bowl, scramble your egg, cream, and spices together

Place a slice of The Most Versatile Sponge Cake EVER! into the batter and coat well on all sides. Repeat for all slices.

Place on hot griddle


Plate with butter, a drizzle of syrup, and a side of scrambled eggs to enjoy the breakfast of Grok Champions!

And remember-- The Primal Junk Foodie invented REAL Primal French Toast! ;)

Closing thoughts:
oui monsieur bonjour coquette,
uh huh croissante vous a ver,
maurice chevy effeil tower,
oh oui marie bagette bon soir,



  1. AMAZING! you are my hero! the end. :)

  2. We had primal pumpkin French toast the other day. I used the pumpkin bread recipe from and made it into french toast. It was the perfect breakfast before a day at the pumpkin patch :)

  3. Wow this really looks good. Mine will be slightly less primal as I will use a low carb protein powder cookies and cream flavor.

  4. @My Kids Have ADHD: Rest assured. My original batch was made with zero carb vanilla protein, but the one in this post was made with zero carb cookies & cream protein. I think I like it even better than my first batch!
