Friday, October 7, 2011

PJF Cordon Blue

Like so many other things, chicken is one more mode of transportation for bigger and better fare. My non-Primal/Paleo friends are thinking "Wha? Chicken is delicious." Okay, yeah, sure, but only if you don't eat bacon wrapped petite filet mignon! Sure chicken is a viable source of protein, but there are other proteins that are just so much more, well... Supercalifrage-DELICIOUS! Shrimp, steak, pork ribs... there's a reason why bland foods are excitedly touted as "Tastes just like chicken!"

That said, it's time to pimp out your ordinary chicken breast PJF-Style. Tonight, I'm going to help you make an over the top Chicken Cordon Blue. No, I did NOT spell that incorrectly. Yes, I know it's supposed to be "bleu", but just bare with me for a minute, mmmkay?

What you'll need:

3-4 large chicken breasts, butterflied
1c crumbled blue cheese (see? Cordon BLUE)
1 medium/large pear (waaaait a second... I thought we were cooking DINNER?)
2 medium yellow onions (or 1 giant one)
1/2 lb diced pancetta (you may use bacon if you wish, but really, you should treat yourself to some pancetta)
1T rosemary
butter (single ingredient butter only, folks. None of that freaky frankenfood Smart Balance crap, okay?)
3 eggs
1/2c almond meal
1/2c coconut flour
1T garlic powder
black pepper to taste

Preheat oven 375F
In large ziploc bag, place black pepper, garlic, almond flour, and coconut flour. Combine well.

Crack 3 eggs into a bowl and whisk energetically. Run your chicken breast first through the egg, then toss into the bag. Repeat for all breasts. Close bag & shake rigorously, ala shake-n-bake.

Butterfly your breaded chicken breast gently. To do this, pierce the breast on its side, and cut lengthwise like so.

(Note. This is not me in the video. I am much more exciting!)

dice your pears into 1/4" cubes, but leave the skin on

In big pan, cook your pancetta just until it renders off some of its fat. Remove pancetta and aside.

Toss pears into pancetta drippings and sautee lightly until slightly softened, about 5 mins.

Remove and place in bowl with pancetta. Sprinkle 1T rosemary and mix well.

Slice your onions thinly and place into pan, add butter and cook until carmelized. Tip: If slicing onions makes you bawl like a recently dumped, over-hormonal, teenage girl, grab a stick of mint gum & chew it like there's no manana. It messes with the olfactory and blocks the onion nasties.

Take your butterflied breast, and place part of your mixture, and onions, on one side of the breast.
Sprinkle generously with some of the blue cheese. Gently close the chicken breast and secure with toothpicks or butcher twine.

Sprinkle with your breading from earlier if necessary (bare spots, etc). If you have leftover onions, you can toss them on top.
Place on baking sheet in oven for 25 mins or until internal temperature reads 160F on meat thermometer.

(If you're not trying to lick the monitor by now or hump your S.O., there's something wrong with this recipe!)

Allow to rest while you prepare your side dish. If you can't think of anything, try my Smashed Cauliflower.


  1. Alas my S.O. is many miles away at the moment. You need to cater my wedding, no, make that my life! When is the cookbook for PJF coming out? It will one day be a standard on all of our primal bookshelves and in our digital e-readers.

  2. Aw, thanks a bunch! Considering I only started the blog a month ago, I don't have enough to fill a cook book just yet. Be sure to tell your friends about PJF :)
