Thursday, September 15, 2011

Bruschetta Chicken

I remember when Olive Garden first rolled out with bruschetta as an appetizer.  My mom and I loved it, and started making it at home.  However, after going Primal, bruschetta wasn't really on the menu anymore.  I missed the olive oil laden bread, basil, mozzarella, and tomatoes.  This was not acceptable.  There had to be an acceptable Primal substitute!  And, really, what is bread except a mode of transportation for more delicious things?  So I came up with this recipe.

What you'll need:

1-2 lb chicken breast
diced tomatoes
mozzarella pearls
EVOO (extra virgin olive oil for those of you who don't follow kitchen speak)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut slits in your chicken breast.  Make them nice and wide.
Using 1/3 of the package of mozzarella pearls, stuff the slits
Top chicken breast with another 1/3 of the mozzarella pearls, drizzle with EVOO, diced tomatoes, and herbs
Place in oven, and cook for 30 mins.  Remove, and top chicken with remaining 1/3 of mozzarella pearls
Place back in oven for remaining 15 mins.  During last 5 mins, turn broiler on to brown mozzarella.
Serve with your favorite vegetable and enjoy!

NOTE FROM THE PJF: I know it's better to use fresh ingredients, and I'm totally down with organic, chopping it all yourself, but I'm also proud of my recipes that are done quickly and efficiently.  If you are able to, use fresh tomato, garlic, and herbs, but if you're in a time crunch, there's no shame in using canned.  Just pay attention to the ingredient list on the label.

300 cals, 8g carb, 13g fat, 40g protein


  1. OH MY GOD!!!!

    You are amazing... this looks amazing!


    Perfect first recipe for me and Ben to start our "We're getting married... PRIMAL TIME Life changing experience" ... WE are working on cutting the name down a bit...

  2. yum! looks like lasagna. darn girl you are making want dairy, not a good thing, I'm lactose

  3. At first I thought that was marshmallows on top of the chicken, and I was fixin' to do an intervention!! But this looks really yummy. :-)
