Monday, April 30, 2012

Tea-Crusted Chicken

This recipe was the 5/2/12 recipe of the day on Fast Paleo!

I like Republic of Tea and Zhena's Gypsy Tea Co. I like when I get my RoT catalog in the mail with their newest free sample. I especially like when I get crazy ideas on how to use them unconventionally. Who can argue the benefits of rooibos or green tea? This is one of those recipes I completely made up on the fly. I just got a general idea of the end product I wanted and went for it. I hope you're never afraid to experiment in this manner and share with your friends.

What you'll need:

6 chicken drumsticks
2 sachets (abt 1T) of your favorite tea (I used Mango Ceylon & Rooibos Apple Cider)
1/2 can Coconut milk
1.5T Old Bay
1T Ground coriander
OPTIONAL (but helpful) 1/2c ea Coconut & Almond flour (1c total)
A ziploc (I'm a shake n bake girl)

Preheat oven 350F

 Pour coconut milk into bowl.   Allow drumsticks to go for a swim.

Snip open tea sachets and empty contents into ziploc.  Add old bay and coriander.  You may wish to add coconut & almond flour to help fill out the breading.  (If you want to omit this step, simply mix loose tea, old bay, and coriander and sprinkle over chicken, ala dry rub.)

Place drumsticks into ziploc & SHAKE!

Place breaded drumsticks on to cookie sheet.  We like to line ours with tinfoil.

Bake at 350F for 30-45 mins, until cooked through.

Plate with your favorite veggies.

Tuck in, Dudes!


  1. PJF I have no intuition about food whatsoever, how do you think celestial seasonings "bengal" tea would work? cardmon, carob, and cinnamon, essentially... it's good in tea but I can't see it on chix

  2. When it comes to this recipe, you've really got to stop & consider the way drumsticks taste after they've been cooked. Find the flavors that compliment it. Mine was apple, cinnamon, and mango. It went great! Carob is always a sure bet when it comes to meat, and cinnamon is usually safe with chicken (think Sarah Fragoso's Rockin Moroccan Chicken), so it might just pan out for you! Don't be afraid to give it a go. Worse comes to worst, you can pull off the meat from the bone and give it to one of your omnivore pets :)
