Sunday, April 22, 2012

Paleo Pear Fritters

UPDATE!  These Pear Fritters were the recipe of the day for 4/24/12 on Fast Paleo

I wish I had something clever to say about this recipe, but I don't.  Sometimes you just want something deep fried and smothered in chocolate, amiright?

What you'll need:

1 pear
1 egg
coconut cream or milk
1/4c coconut flour
2T baking powder
pumpkin spice
1/2c coconut oil (preferably Something Pure Cinnamon Bun flavored, cuz it's awesome)
(optional) creme fraiche, mascarpone, Greek yogurt, or whipped cream

Get  your coconut oil going in a large pan.  Meanwhile, core pear and slice with mandolin

Avoid doing this:

Scramble together egg, cream, vanilla, and pumpkin spice

Combine coconut flour & baking powder well

Dip into egg wash

Coat well with coconut flour & baking powder

 Gingerly place into hot EVCO.

Fry.  Careful not to burn, baby, burn ala Disco Inferno.


Plate with a dollop of creme fraiche, mascarpone, Greek yogurt, or whipped cream (optional). 

Tuck in, dudes!


  1. Yum! That's a winner, I'll be trying that one soon. Thanks

  2. Looks great! I pinned it:
