Sunday, April 1, 2012

Chocolate Chip Parsnip Pancakes

First off, happy April Fools! Secondly, I'm addicted to parsnips. They smell like rootbeer and taste like awesome.
I'm also a chocolate addict.
When I was a kid, the Arizona tea company had a chocolate rootbeer. Naturally, I thought of combining chocolate with rootbeer somehow, but didn't know how to keep it Primal. And then I discovered parsnips. So here goes.

What you'll need:
2-4 large parsnips
1/2c almond flour
2 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips (or any super dark chocolate chips, really)

chop up parsnips and boil them until soft. Drain. Mash 'em. Take your anger out on them. Pulverize them. Or, ya know, just throw it in a food processor.
Mix in almond flour, eggs, baking powder, and chocolate chips.
On a hot oiled skillet plunk down your pancake batter.
Flip. Eat. Enjoy!

P.S.  I threw blackberries and vanilla in mine and had purple April Fools Day pancakes.  Also I used Artisana cacao bliss on them instead of butter.  I told you I was a chocolate junkie.

1 comment:

  1. Hi P Gersch,
    Yummy looking chocolate chip parsnip pancakes recipe and luckily found all the ingredients in stock so will try chocolate chip parsnip pancakes tonight and will share my reviews soon.
