Thursday, November 3, 2011

Flaxmeal Pancakes

I don't really have a story to go with this, other than I was getting tired of primal pancakes (almond butter + banana + eggs), and wanted something more pancake-y. I invented this, and hubby seems to like them. It's a good way to include flax in your diet.

What you'll need:

1c flaxmeal
4 eggs
1c applesauce
1/4c liquid (I'm using kefir for that buttermilk taste, but have also successfully made these with heavy cream, and coconut milk)
baking powder (not pictured)

Mix everything together in a large bowl. You may wish to add extra spices like cardamom, vanilla, etc. Allow batter to sit for 5 mins to allow the flaxmeal to soak up the liquid. Pour on to griddle.

Cook until edges bubble, then flip.

Plate with butter, syrup, berries, and all your favorite fixins!

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