Sunday, October 23, 2011

PJF Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

I tell everyone, shamelessly, that my winter holidays are not complete without pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and a big glass of nog. In fact, I refuse to observe Halloween until I have had my cookie and nog!
Alas, no gluten free cookie has satisfied my hunger for the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies I got at my grocery store. They are buttery, and chewy, and cake like, and dense, and oh so decadent! I HAD to find a way to replicate them.

What you'll need:

3c pumpkin puree (Libby's makes a great one!)
1/3c coconut flour
1c Tropical Traditions Coconut Peanut Butter (Peanut Butter & Co and/or Barney Butter are also acceptable, buuut...


2 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
1/2c xylitol or powdered stevia (less if you want a more savory cookie)
1/4c cinnamon
1/4c allspice
2T nutmeg
2T ginger
1 bag of high quality chocolate chunks (the darker, the better!)

Grab a friend, cuz this stuff gets a little tiresome to stir. So having an extra set of rested hands is going to help you!

Put everything into a big bowl.

Mix super well

Line cookie sheet with some parchment paper, then drop cookies on to sheet.

Alternatively you can make balls and pat down a little bit. Personally I like the random drop method better.

Bake 15 mins. I know it doesn't seem like long enough, but trust me. They finish baking AFTER you remove them!

Remove from cookie sheet and allow to cool. They are pretty delicate at this stage, so try not to bother them too much for the first 5-10 mins.


259 cals, 18g fat, 24g carb (16g net carb, tyvm Mr. Coconut Flour!), 7g protein, 15 mg sodium
Let's see you grocery bakery top that one, folks!


Thanks to the generosity of our friends at Tropical Traditions, I am able to share a jar of their delicious coconut peanut butter with you. However, you have to read this review first.


My Primal/Paleo friends are probably having coronaries right now, but guess what. I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER! Get over it.
In the words of the almighty Rivvin on Marks Daily Apple, "I eat peanut butter, cuz F-- you, THAT'S WHY!"
Honestly, the no peanut butter rule is really stupid.

First of all I want to THANK Tropical Traditions for this opportunity to review their coconut peanut butter. I've been curious about it for quite some time, so I was really excited to try it. The ingredients are simple: coconut & peanuts. No preservatives, or scary chems. Just pure, unadulterated deliciousness. The serving size is adequate (about what you'd get at the store), but obviously the nutritional profile is better.
"No, it can't be, it's peanuts!" say my Primal friends
"But it's coconut"
We all know how we all feel about coconut. We are nuts for coconuts! That said, I feel that this little jar of happiness could use a bit of sweetener, but otherwise it's great, and I just HAD to include it in my pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe. In fact, I promised Tropical Traditions I'd invent a recipe featuring their coconut peanut butter. So there you have it.
Want a jar? Here's how you get it!
  • Get at least 1 new friend to "Like" Tropical Traditions on Facebook
  • Get at least 1 new friend to "Like" The Primal Junk Foodie on Facebook
  • Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter @troptraditions. If you already do this, get a friend to follow them
  • Follow The Primal Junk Foodie on Twitter @PrimalJnkFoodie. If you already do this, encourage a friend to do so
  • Subscribe to the Primal Junk Foodie RSS feed by clicking "subscribe" above
  • Tell me what you're gonna do with your jar of Coconut Peanut Butter!
  • Bottom line: Whoever brings the most new "like"rs to the Primal Junk Foodie Facebook page by October 31st WINS! Just make sure they say who sent them, and I will keep track!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I am not on facebook or twitter (I did become a follower) but I can tell you I would try your cookie recipe with the coconut peanut butter.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com
